pillow fight

I won.

27 responses to “pillow fight”

  1. LOL! This is TOO cute! And he totally has you in that last pic, Sara–that's the face of a Karate/Taekwondo move underway. Pa-cha!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. I think he was going easy on ya! I mean look at that “this is war” face!! Seriously though…he is beyond precious!


  4. dogs are always good for a little crazytime. all i have to do is the “attacker lunge” and biscuit goes apeshit. ❤


  5. Poor Fifty looks surprised in the first picture, and thoroughly terrified in the last! LOL


  6. Cute! I've been thinking I might tempt fate and get a pet… all these bloggers with their adorable animals makes it so hard to resist!


  7. Sara! Is that the infamous LAPD choke hold you're using on your poor puppy?Ya big bully!Seriously he is one lucky dog to own you and the Husband.


  8. These pics make me miss my dog so much! Super cute!


  9. How cute is THAT! I could look at pictures like that all day long!


  10. Hahahaha too adorable!


  11. How cute! I am sorry I haven't been by in a bit…. it has been cuckoo around here w/ three teenagers, (my son, my daughter and my hubby… seriously.. he's the most work)! Anyways, your blog always puts a huge smile on my face so before I can forget I am going to go put you on my list of dailys so I can have a daily chuckle! Hope you are well. xo


  12. Ahahah. Your dog has mad eyes! I love this post.


  13. I love puppies. For some reason, Mr. A has to exert his alpha dog maleness whenever a canine is around. He says they need to know who is boss.I always hope for the dog biting him in the ass/balls.Like a good wife would.http://glamkittenslitterbox.blogspot.com/Twitter: @GlamKitten88


  14. That's why we got little dogs so that there is never any question if I can beat them. I'm proud of you for taking down a full sized dog!


  15. Oh! I love his expressive little face! You may have won this round!


  16. Too adorable for words! I do not even think that my dog would go for this at all… Or I'd break him in half (hazards of having little dogs!). Enjoy your weekend, dear! xox


  17. Especially love that last one!Have a very nice weekend


  18. So cute! He looks like he's having a whale of a time. Have a good weekend.


  19. LOL. He's too cute! There's nothing like a bit of play time! xoxo


  20. Fifty is such a cutie! I can't wait to move into an apartment that allows dogs. 🙂


  21. Very cute! Glad you won…at least this round!


  22. Yeah! Sleeper Hold that son of a bitch!


  23. What a handsome chap with whom to engage in a pillow fight. And I love Homemaker Man's comment. Too good. 🙂 Have a lovely day during your adventurous French sojourn. I can only imagine each day presents a pop of something perfectly delightful ~ xox Alexandra


  24. Awwwwww! So incredibly cute!


  25. Wrestling with a dog is one of life's most amazing pastimes.


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