Ode to Le Petit Village

Some weeks ago, Andi at Misadventures With Andi, asked me if I would write a post about what I love about life in Le Petit Village. With spring in the air and the lavender looming, I was only too happy to oblige. Alas, my life took a sad detour and Andi shelved my ode to Le Petit Village until today.

It’s perfect timing really, because here in Le Petit Village, the sun is shining and I’ve just spent a perfect Sunday lunch barbecuing at the Honey House. Smiles all around.

You can check out my ode to Le Petit Village here.


18 responses to “Ode to Le Petit Village”

  1. Really nice story of the petit village 🙂 It's like what I think of my town, I love it and then I hate it. I mostly hate it when there is the theater festivals at summer. It's too noisy! And I want to be more close to the nature, than these town streets. I hope you are alright, Sara. xx


  2. Just wanted to say that I've been thinking of you. Simple pleasures make life worth living


  3. Loved the insight!! I had a very clear image in my mind of you all huddled in the bar, the busy streets, etc. Way to capture feelings and scenes of your life and town. Helps wanna be's like me escape for a bit. 😉 Bisous!!


  4. What wonderful description, Sara dearest! Had me experiencing the gloriousness of it as if I were right there with you!


  5. Sara, thank you so much for contributing to Beyond Paris in such a meaningful way. I think that it is important for people to read about other parts of France because each and every region is so unique. I can just imagine how gorgeous the day is and I hope a little sunshine makes you feel better. I am looking forward to reading your new posts when you are back on your feet again. My thoughts continue to be with you.


  6. I haven't been on the blog scene lately and am so sorry about your father. “Courage” for getting settled back into your life here. XOXOXO


  7. What a great piece – I want to wander over to the little bar and share olives! It sounds so charming, thanks for sharing it with all of us!jo@everydayjuju


  8. Loved your piece – and just to let you know I left a proper comment over on the other blog.


  9. Glad you are back. I missed you! And again, so sorry to hear about your father. Be sure to take all the time you need to grieve and heal.


  10. I really liked your story about Le Petit Village. Whether you like it or not, it appears very attractive from my point of view.


  11. I LOVED your piece!! I felt as if I were there. You my dear, are one amazing writer


  12. You had me at “Ode” : )


  13. Ahh, I love this! The lavender fields are so pretty and I'm now reconsidering my post-graduation plans. Even though I know there a lots of petits villages in Provence, I'm a little embarrassed that I may have been one of the tourists peering in the windows (and taking pictures of street signs).


  14. My family is planning a Mediterranean cruise for the summer of 2012 and we will be stopping in Nice which made me think of you. Now I have a better idea of what we will be seeing! Hope things are going as well as they can right now 🙂


  15. I just read Peter Mayle's “A Year in Provence” and the winter winds, the Mistral, is supposedly very brutal! What a wonderful post, Sara. While our winter wasn't as cold, there were I just got my Martini fix on when I visited NY and I'm looking forward to the warmer weather. I also haven't seen the fields of lavender yet…but need too.


  16. On my way! xo


  17. Wonderful tribute to Le Petit Village and your photos are beautiful. I, too, truly enjoy Peter Mayle's books and your insight brought them to life for me. Hope you are well and the Spring weather brings you rays of happiness and sunshine.


  18. Love this post, Sara. I really would love to see where you live!! Who knows, I might just knock on your door. Soon!And welcome back;).


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