this actually happened

The Setting: Le Petit Bar Friday night
The Players: The Parisian and me (and The Husband, kind of)

The Husband and I popped in for l’apéro. I let The Husband sit down and I went up to the bar to order (any chance to practice my French, you know). The following is what went down;

(except in French of course)

Me: One Coke and one Martini Blanc please.

The Parisian: We are all out of Martini Blanc.

Me: OK, a glass of Rosé then.

The Parisian: No Rosé

Me: Um, how about a Skinny Girl Margarita? You remember, it’s the tequila with the limes and stuff?

The Parisian: Yes, I remember, but I don’t have any limes.

Me: Fine, just a beer then.

And that’s when my very first Gallic huff and puff slipped out. The Husband is totally proud.

I guess I’m kind of French now.

38 responses to “this actually happened”

  1. Brilliant! I was surprised at how quick our son learnt the shrug at school, but I guess they need to start them young!


  2. well look at you! : ) nicely done!


  3. A few huff'n'puffs and The Husband is proud. Imagine if you had sworn in French – he might have started applauding (-:


  4. Huffing and puffing is essential in French. Did you throw in a shrug too? I'm proud of you too!


  5. Now you need to start using merde or putain, it fits for everything (even your happy, sad or what ever!) 😀


  6. You go, girl! Did you puff with that little pucker of the lips and blow it out? You rock! Give 'em the shrug too!Enjoy your week and perhaps you could “bring your own” to the bar. I wonder what the Parisian would think of that!Bises,Genie


  7. I'm surprised you only let a huff and a puff out! Cute story!


  8. shocking. i hope you shrugged and rolled your eyes too.


  9. just now!!? i've been doing that for months! just this afternoon I wanted a coffee and the guy asked if I wanted it with honey or nutella. !!?? come to verdun for lessons!


  10. Hahahahahahaha!!! I'm surprised you've held out this long! And I think the huff was appropriate, I mean come on. No rose, limes, etc? Worst supplied bar keep E-V-E-R!


  11. Huff and puff? That guy needs a backslap. What kind of bar is he running anyway?


  12. LOL I'd like to see this “huff 'n puff” in person.


  13. Ha! Love it, and love your blog. I spent my honeymoon in Provence and can't wait to return. I'll live vicariously in the meantime…


  14. I do that all the time now! I feel like I need to relearn how to act American.


  15. Oh, I've got the huff n' puff down. Totally. I think it's the first thing I learned. You go , girl! AND Skinny Girl Margaritas? In France? Do tell…


  16. You have way more patience than I would have in this situation. That darn Parisian!!


  17. I bet Parisian is hiding it all behind the bar for himself! very good convo though. You go girl!! xxx


  18. I would huff and puff too! What kind of a bar is out of THAT much at one time?! Le Petit or not, that definitely warranted some huffing and puffing.


  19. Classic Europe! …..'We're out of everything and we don't really care if you don't like it!' Customer service isn't what it could be there! The money they could make if they just gave a shit! Bring your own bevies to the bar next time! LOL


  20. Yep, I say bring your own too. That being “kind of French” sort of sneaks up on you. Hits you when you least expect it. Next thing you know, you're going to start thinking this is normal. Then you're finished!


  21. This is so funny! Congrats on embracing being French — I'd say you are well on your way. And I love that you have educated French bartenders about Skinnygirl Margaritas!


  22. Maybe it's time to just BYO it: BYOL (limes) BYOMB (martini blanc), and so on. And he can just charge you a euro or two to rent the barstool.


  23. wow…talk about a dry bar.


  24. Awwww, I love this for you, it's like, you're tres Francaise now! It was the tipping point for you!!Also, I feel like I should buy the bar from the Parisian — and we could run it together. Can you imagine? Breakfast tacos? Margaritas? Rose? Champage? Martinis galore?I'm certain our profit margin would be low since we'd eat/drink our way through the profits but, we'd sure have fun!!


  25. What kind of French bar doesn't serve Rosé? He totally deserved your Gallic huff!! Tres bien et bon continuation!Thanks for your message on my blog :o)


  26. Sara, you are so cute. Must be some heavy drinkers at that bar, they seem low on stock! I love your charming life you lead. I still think it would make an awesome book and would fly off the shelves. xo


  27. Congratulations–I would LOVE to become French! Also, it cracked me up that you tagged this post as “Huffing and Puffing.” 🙂


  28. Haha that is too funny! I didn't realize Skinny Girl Margarita's were in France, either. I've still yet to try one!-jsorelle in style


  29. get it girl! unfortunately you were not speaking my language until you said the word 'beer'! i need to branch out a bit 🙂


  30. Haha – too funny – I have also been in bars before where it seems like the only option there is is beer!I'm new to the blog and am following you now – I can relate to the whole expact thing because I met and fell in love with my boyfriend during a study abroad semester in South Africa and have been living here ever since :)Beaucoup de bisous!Jenna


  31. I love this! I can see this happening! Sounds like your having quite the adventure! Just read through a few of your posts!


  32. I can't believe you get to live in provence! I studied abroad in Aix for a semester and I fell in love! I am dying to go back! xoxo


  33. you are amazing….and so is this story!


  34. haha there is only one item on the menu and one drink available each day it seems! Beer or beer


  35. I'm seriously questioning the validity of his French citizenship if he's running a bar without rose. Seems fishy to me. Either that or he's a closet rose-aholic. But seriously… how hard is it to keep a steady supply in the south of France?!? I am outraged for you!


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