Food Whore: The Origin

You know how I’m always going on about The Husband’s insatiable appetite for food (usually for icky things like raw beef, tongue, and brains) and refer to him as Food Whore like here, here, here, and here? 
Well, here’s my little food whore at the beginning…
{evidential proof}
… two years old, clutching a croissant in one hand and a linzer tart in the other with powdered sugar smeared all over his nose. Clearly, he was born this way.
greedy, adorable, sweetness.

13 responses to “Food Whore: The Origin”

  1. Hahaha, that made me smile. 🙂


  2. Well that's the French for you, I think I was about 12 before I knew what a croissant was, I'd be clutching a plastic white loaf!


  3. How adorable was he?!! xo


  4. That's fantastic! Food whores rock!


  5. Oh yes…the right start I would say!


  6. Awesome. My husband is mostly a dessert whore. : )


  7. I've never been presented with photograhpic evidence, but I'm 99.9% sure my husband was born the same way. LOL Cute picture!


  8. it would be very tough to choose between a croissant and a linzer tart…cute picture of your little food whore – i like his jaunty cap – tres chic!


  9. That is soooo funny! My hubby is the EXACT same way:-) he he


  10. So cute. Look at his little tummy straining against his t-shirt.


  11. i can see why papa liked the littlest so much. the boys love their vittles.a xo


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