tell me about yourself

My friend Jen, who really loves margaritas by the way… on the rocks, no salt, and blogs at A Little About Everything and Nothing (whom you might remember from this guest post) has passed on the Tell Me About Yourself Award. Well I don’t mind if I do Jen, thank you.

This one gets passed on to five other bloggers and like it says on the tin, I’m to tell you something about myself. I’ll go with five things about me… five bloggers, five things, it seems nice and neat doesn’t it? Lets wrap it up in a big red bow and do this thing:

F I V E  B L O G G E R S
1. Megan @ A Suitcase and Stilettos lives in Norway but manages to get around Europe a lot and blogs all about it.
2. Nicole Marie @ La Mia Vita has recently returned to California after a stint in Barcelona.
3. Daryl @ Roots, Wings, and Other Things lives in Germany and takes the most fantastic photos.
4. Ksam @ Totally Frenched Out is an American who has actually conquered the red tape to become a French citizen.
5. Kristen @ Un Homme et Une Femme is a recent American transplant to Paris and calls her husband Sir Lanclelot which is so much cooler than, ‘The Husband’.

F I V E  T H I N G S
1. I threw out my back yesterday for the very first time ever and holy balls it hurts. I’m supposed to stay lying down to let it rest but I do not do well with being still (a cousin used to tell me that I had a bee up my bottom and I think he might be right, sitting still is torture). So I guess it’s official… I’m old.

2. When I was little I had a pony named Rainy Day. Even though I haven’t seen Rainy Day for a long, long time (I’m very old; please note number one above), I still think of him often and now that I’m living in what used to be a barn, I wish Rainy Day was with me here, even in stuffed form (yes, I wish I had taxidermied my childhood pony). He could sit by the front door and take coats.

3. I have never been to Barcelona which is a travesty because it’s only a little over five hours from here, and I haven’t been to Paris once since moving to France. I vow that 2012 is the year of Barcelona and Paris especially since a Chipotle recently opened up in Paris. I want to get my burrito on. (What type of crazy person goes to Paris to eat burritos??? Now you know.)

4. I love my new house (OK, love might be a bit strong, I still don’t have a bathtub… like, I really like my new house) but I do miss the original LPV. I haven’t found my groove here yet but I know I will, these things take time.

5. Papa’s Wife’s mother is turning ninety next month and of course we will be celebrating with a party (you know how we love a party). I’ve been put in charge of decorations so I will be introducing my inner Martha Stewart to The LPV… Martha meet The LPV… LPV, meet Martha. Now get out of my way, I have pompoms to make.


27 responses to “tell me about yourself”

  1. um i hate paris but a trip might need to be on the agenda if chipotle has opened there!!! no joke. and thank you for tagging me here!!!! im totally gonna do this now 😉 have a great day!!! ❤


  2. Who am I to judge. I'm the crazy American that goes to either Paris or Lyon just for a Starbucks. Looks like I can add Chipotle to the list.


  3. Starbucks was one of the reasons I went to Lyon for my first wedding anniversary. True story. And it was my first stop after checking into the hotel that was conveniently only a five minute walk away #notacoincidence


  4. Good discovering a bit about you. As for being old, wait until you are my age with a back problem LOL. Diane


  5. Now I'm obsessed with a Chipotle burrito… Now you know you're not the only crazy one… Should we rent a bus???


  6. That is so awesome that you get to decorate that party!! I want to see pictures of that! And only Paris once?! You have to go again!


  7. Barcelona is gorgeous, you won't regret it. Sorry about the back, you need to take it easy. A bit more lying around being fed chocolate covered cherries would help I'm sure. How would Fifty get along with Rainy Day? We all know what he'd do to Hello Kitty, would it be the same with the pony? And why did you call him Rainy Day, that's a bit of a depressing name. Was he like Eeyore?


  8. Pompoms and sparklers are all you need for a good party. And I would totally go to Chipotle in Paris if I lived in France. I was thrilled when I realized we had one 10 blocks from our house.


  9. Sorry to hear about your back,Sara…too much moving and gardening, I think. I threw mine out last December and it took weeks of physical therapy to make it good again. Always fun to read a little more tidbits about you.


  10. i love that you had a pony named Rainy Day!


  11. There's a Chipotle in Paris?!!!!!! sjakgsjdgklsj!!!! I may hop on a train right now…. only 3 hrs away… Hope your back feels better!


  12. There is a Chipotle is Paris!? So random, but so very amazing!I hope your back gets better soon…I have a pinched nerve in my neck that flairs up every once in awhile, and it's SO PAINFUL! FEEL BETTER!


  13. You are hilarious. I hope your back gets better SOON and I hope you get to eat burritos in Paris SOON.


  14. it is so romantic reading your blog! I feel like I did when I was reading A Year in Provence, or watching Out of Africa…it seems like a fabulous life!


  15. it is so romantic reading your blog! I feel like I did when I was reading A Year in Provence, or watching Out of Africa…it seems like a fabulous life!


  16. What a coincidence, I haven't been to Paris or Barcelona since I've been here either! I really hope your back feels better. It totally bites the big one when your in pain and can't do anything. It sounds like you are settling in nicely to your NLPV. Will you have as much tourists there this summer as you did in the OLPV?Ashley


  17. Your friend Jen knows the only proper way to drink a margarita! She and I are in total agreement on that.


  18. You know what they say about back injuries. RICE. Rest, Ice Compression and Eleven whiskeys.


  19. Thanks Sara Louise for the lovely shout out 🙂 I love when you do getting to know you facts. i hope your back is feeling better. you have to come to paris and you will love Barcelona. I like Barcelona so much more than I like Paris. Wouldn't it be funny if I actually called him Sir Lancelot in real life? My parents do.


  20. Oh, I feel so honored! Hope your back feels better (my remedy includes booze and seeing a cute osteopathe). 😉


  21. So glad you are liking your new home. Hope to see a photo of all of your party decorations! Do they have chiropractors in the LPV? Not sure I would trust one over there! Feel better soon. xo


  22. So one of our very good friends here in London is with Chipotle and he's the one who is overseeing the opening up of the restaurants, so far in London and Paris. He'll be pleased to hear that you are anxious to get to Paris to enjoy Chipotle! We sure enjoy it here in London–there are 3 open now.


  23. EEk! Hope your back feels better..I am going to Barcelona this November- never been either. Cannot wait!


  24. Aw Sweety, you need to get that bee out of your butt so you can rest and recover and go to Paris to mow down some burritos!


  25. not that my dog WILL EVER die, but IF he did, i'd want to do the same. no judgement here.


  26. you had a pony named rainy day? that is THE MOST precious thing i have ever heard! i totally bet you sneeze sprinkles and smell like lollipops and puppy dog kisses! 😉 love that you love the new house!


  27. As someone who had emergency surgery on their back 8 years ago – be careful and DO rest it if you can, I know its hard – I've got bees aswell!!! So glad the move is going well!Sharonxxxx


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