staycation, all I ever wanted

My staycation commences in t-minus nine hours.

In t-minus nine hours, my mother and Godmother arrive at the TGV station in Aix-en-Provence.

Road trips have been planned, hotels booked, and restaurants reserved (and thanks to la fête nationale des restaurants that’s taking place next week, we’re eating at some of these restaurants, buy one get one free. If you are in France you should check it out).

Fifty has had not one but two baths over the weekend (stinky dogs from the trash need two), and is all set to see his grandma. I’m all set to see what American goodies his grandma has smuggled in her suitcase for me.

And for you dear people, well I have some goodies for you too. I’ve lined up five of my favorite bloggers to keep you entertained with their musing and witticisms while I’m gallivanting about the South of France. Goodies for everybody!

goody goody gumdrops


P.S. Just because I’m not here doesn’t mean I still don’t have a giveaway going on! Enter to win here. 

28 responses to “staycation, all I ever wanted”

  1. I saw that Fifty let the world know on Facebook how clean he was after two baths. It sounds like you have a full agenda set up for your mom's visit. Enjoy yourselves. I look forward to hearing about your staycation when you are back and start posting again.


  2. Have a fabulous time being a tourist at home!


  3. Funnnnnn! Having the fam come to France is one of THE greatest joys for us expats! Don't you love just sharing your life with them? This is the first time they'll be seeing your new place, isn't it?Enjoy your staycation and soak up and enjoy every second of it!Bisous.


  4. Sounds awesome. I could use a little staycation in Provence, too. September really is the best time to be in South of France. Jealous, moi? 😉


  5. Have so much fun with your mom and godmom – can't wait to hear about the adventures!


  6. Have lots of fun, Sara…I'm certain you're a terrific hostess and tour guide!


  7. Have loads of fun! The la fête nationale des restaurants sounds amazing


  8. Have a great time, it will be fun meeting up with everyone again. Take care Diane


  9. Have fun! Best wishes from a Spaniard flattered to know you love my country!Un saludo desde Andalucía, María


  10. Mom and Godmother… good for the soul. Have an absolute BLAST!!!! XO


  11. Enjoy your time with family! When I lived in Europe my family didn't come to visit me once (bunch of nervous fliers in my family). I so wish I could have shown them the world!


  12. have a great time! i can't wait to hear your stories from there.


  13. Have so much fun with your family!! Can't wait to read all about it!


  14. Ahh have fun!! I'm excited to hear about what American goods your mom smuggled in for you!


  15. staycations are seriously the bomb…..and so are shampooed pups. i pray you are bleseed with goldfish, oreos and possibly some lisa frank stickers 😉


  16. I'm absolutely mad about your blog. Not only do you live in my most favorite area of the world, but your voice is so wonderful. I cannot wait to hear more. I cannot wait to learn from your stories and understand life in southern France. Ahhh parfait! xoxox


  17. My bloglovin' hates me… this post wasn't there when I checked! Bah. Anyway. Have a blast, Sara!


  18. yesssss have fun, lady! : )


  19. Sara,Have fun catching up with your Mom and Godmother!! How wonderful that they get to visit you and you live in such a pretty location. They will love it!! xoxo


  20. Have so much fun with your mom and godmother! (God, a staycation in France > a staycation anywhere else in the world).P.S. Is it weird that whenever I think of Fifty, the voice in my head pronounces it Fitty, as in “Fitty Cent”? No? Maybe?


  21. Enjoy the time with your family!!


  22. YAY Staycation!! Have a great time!!


  23. Fun! Enjoy yourself! Annnnd I clearly left France at the wrong time…I want to experience this national restaurant fete!


  24. How much fun you will have with your mom and Godmother! I can only dream about how fine the dining will be paired with some fine beverages. You will delight us with photos and stories when you return. I mean when you live in France a “staycation” is so perfect!!Bises,Genie


  25. Have a wonderful time, dear!


  26. I am sure you are having a FANTASTIC time… 🙂 Can't wait to hear all about it! 🙂


  27. sara, i look forward to hearing about your mom's and godmom's visit in lpv. i'm sure you'll enjoy seeing familiar surroundings through their eyes and seeing how much they enjoy this beautiful part of the world. what a great idea to line up guest post hosts! (say that 3 times without stopping hehe!)xx


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