while we should have been packing

Hi kids, remember me?

Here I am, typing away at Papa’s house because the internet won’t be setup at the new chez moi for another week. That’s right, I’m already at my new house in the new Le Petit Village, and while I’m knee deep in unpacking, I thought I’d take a breath and tell you all about my weekend… which technically should have been all about moving, but Mr. London and The Husband had other plans.

We weren’t supposed to have the keys to the new house until Monday (as in day before yesterday, Monday) but on Friday, in a very un-French-like fashion, we got a call to say we could have the keys on Saturday. A whole two days early… can you believe it? I still can’t.

But then Mr. London called The Husband and put the kibosh on that. He phoned and said, “hey, why don’t you come down tomorrow and watch me play in the quarter finals against Racing Metro?” And then The Husband, clearly unaware that we were supposed to move two days later said, “Oh what fun, I’d love to, I really don’t think that there was anything that I needed to do this weekend, and if there was, I’m sure I’d remember. Ooh… can I bring my hetero-life-partner, Gatz, with me? We hate being apart, and if I can’t, I’d just spend the whole time talking on the phone to him anyway.” “Of course you can bring your hetero-life partner, we’ll have a party… WOO-HOO!

(the above is all paraphrased but it’s how I like to imagine that the conversation went down).

So yeah, I was a little peeved because although I had been very diligent about packing little by little everyday since the beginning of May, it was getting down to the nitty gritty bits and I kind of wanted The Husband’s help with it. But figuring that there was no way I would stay behind and do the nitty bitty bits by myself, and leave my poor cousin, Mrs. London, with The Husband and Gatz (because that would be cruel) I went too.

Off we went to Toulon but on the way, I finagled a stop in Aix to visit my friend Zara where I picked up this bag…

because that’s how I negotiate… impromptu rugby weekend for him = new handbag for me.

We arrived at Chez London to find Mrs. London hiding out in her kitchen while some Monaco rugby players commandeered the living room. She was clearly relieved to see me. Pop went the Rosé bottle… ahhh… the sound of happiness.

A few hours later and we were seated at the match watching one big ol’ nail biter of a game. That was until Mr. London scored a try and we all breathed a sigh of relief and then Toulon won. Of course we just had to celebrate.


Where we got to watch The Husband and Mr. London dance on podiums. And when Mrs. London and I went outside to get some fresh air, and a flirty guy approached us, we told him that we were married and when he asked where our husbands were, we said downstairs, you know… that big group of rugby players. The look on his face was priceless as he bid us adieu and slowly backed away. Bless.

And just like the last time, somewhere around 3:30, Mrs. London and I noticed that The Husband and Mr. London were missing, and once again, we found them behind the counter in the snack shop across the street stuffing their faces, so we rounded up our troops and headed home.

We got a whole three hours of sleep before heading back to Le Petit Village for a fun filled day of moving.

I’m lying, it wasn’t any fun at all.

28 responses to “while we should have been packing”

  1. so that's where you were! sounds like so much fun, but it made me tired just reading it.talk this week?a


  2. Who need sleep anyway? You can sleep when you're dead! ;-P


  3. So when are we going to fête the new place? Yes, I'm trying to squeeze an invitation out of you! Have fun unpacking, Sara!


  4. My husband does the same thing with forgetting plans. Just yesterday he asked me to lunch for today. When I told him we needed to get ready to go, he said, “Where are we going?” Humph…Really?


  5. I was waiting for you to tell us that they were behind the bar again. And I think that it's only fair that you paid Zara a visit – I mean, really. And that is a CUTE bag. You definitely needed it.


  6. oh sara, a little bit of clubbing is just what the doctor ordered as an antidote to moving.ugh. i hate moving. but i just know it will be worth it in your case. cannot wait to hear tales of le nouveau petit village!xo


  7. Sounds like you had a good time although it put you behind on packing for your move to the new LPV. I hope you got the Husband and maybe his hetero-life-partner Gatz to finish up the packing.


  8. You have such an awesome fun life… 🙂 can't wait to see photos' of the new place!




  10. I've concluded that moving is never ever fun. I swear I will hire a moving crew next time… or maybe a Rugby team. 😉


  11. Aside from the whole having to move in the morning, it sounds like a pretty great night!!


  12. nice post, have a nice day.


  13. Sometimes in response to a pick-up from a stranger, I say “my husband has a black belt in karate” to try to get them to go away. And then the husband gets mad at me, because while he does have a black belt in karate, apparently it is one of the tenants of karateism to not let your opponent know the extent of your skills.


  14. Moving sucks regardless so I'm glad you at least got a fun night clubbing out of it. Hope you get the interwebs switched on soon and look forward to seeing the inside of the new chez toi! x x P.S. That handbag is super!


  15. Podium dancing is always a good idea. And I like your negotiation style….oh and your new handbag!


  16. I love you! You are so funny! How un-French like that being early bit was and your husbands “phone conversation” and your new handbag…It was truly a fairy-tale story.


  17. You moved on top of 3hrs sleep? Sounds horrendous! I hope you didn't forget anything in the end and that it all cleaned up nicely. Bet you were glad of your bed that night!


  18. Congrats on the move Sara and I can't wait to see pics of the new shindig. I bet it's nice. Do you have a stove that works now? I hope you get unpacked sooner than me! We moved 9 months ago and nearly all our stuff is still in boxes!Ashley


  19. You friend Zara? Looks like we have a friend in common then. Love love love Aix – have very fond memories of this place.


  20. Oohhh… well, at least a purdy purse was involved and rose. ;-)Good luck with all the unpacking. Being in a better place is always wonderful, but, the unpacking is SUCH a massive pain (not like I have to tell you that!). Bon courage!


  21. Last time we moved, we hired a moving company. It was by far, the BEST investment we made. lol You have so much going on right now, but I hope you're taking a little time too for some R&R. 🙂


  22. i laughed out loud sooo much when i read the paraphrased conversation you think your boyfriend had. hey at least you scored out of the deal right ?! 🙂 have a good weekend girl and hope you get alot done!!!


  23. It may not have been much fun for you but the story has made us all laugh – and just think of the mileage and embellishments you can get out of it!


  24. A new handbag? I bow to you oh great negotiator! BTW it's fabulous!I would do just about anything for a handbag. No, that's not true – I'd do ANYTHING for a great handbag.;)


  25. Oh I love this story. Too cute and funny. Glad to hear from you as I was wondering if you'd been buried under boxes. 🙂


  26. Nice handbag lady! Hope the packing is going ok. If it makes you feel better, M is dragging me to his hetero-life-partner's house for a lamb on spit BBQ. Which would be good except that its freezing cold, due to rain and the baby has a cold and kept me up all night. But, of course, his boyfriend's BBQ takes priority. I bet the day after was super fun. heh heh. x


  27. packing shmacking when there is fun to be had instead. Love the bag BTW!! Cannot wait to see photos of the new house, I love that new house feeling and all the excitement that goes with it!! Hope you are loving it!Sharonxxxx


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