my perfect summer saturday

If I was to create my perfect summer Saturday, it would begin with coffee on a sunny terrace under a clear blue sky before sitting down to a big family breakfast. Lots of eggs, lots of sausage and lots of laughter (it might also include cheeky Bloody Marys while we were making the big family breakfast).
My perfect summer Saturday would be spent outside by the pool, listening to silly giggles, water splashing,  and seeing The Husband under siege. 
Fifty would learn how to swim on my perfect summer Saturday. He’d follow the children around and Aidan’s golden Clementine, trying to do what she did, while his big front paws splashed hard into the water.

(However my perfect summer Saturday would not include Fifty puncturing the children’s basketball with his teeth and then tearing it to shreds.)

Human totem poles are part of my perfect summer Saturday…. the higher the better. 
My perfect summer Saturday would end with a barbecue and a Caprese salad made with homegrown tomatoes from Papa’s garden. We’d stay outside on the terrace while we watched the Olympics through the opened french doors into the living room so we could feel the nighttime breeze. 
And maybe, just maybe, my perfect summer Saturday would occur at the same time as a meteor shower, so while I watched Olympian stars on TV, I’d get to see some real stars shoot across the sky and I’d make a wish or two.

And if my shooting star wishes were to come true, then I’ll have lots more perfect summer Saturdays with Aidan
(and mojitos too)

34 responses to “my perfect summer saturday”

  1. I am very happy you had a perfect summer Saturday with Aiden and family except for Fifty's attack on the basketball. Best wishes for many more to come! Have a great week.


  2. You are a sweet darling and I love you too! I just wish I'd seen at least one of those shooting stars. My kids could seriously be The Husband's. They're all so much blonder than the rest of us. A xo


  3. A dream… What I would give for a Saturday like that!!!! Glad you had a great one 🙂


  4. Love it!!! Y'all look adorable and blissed out in the sun!!! (And Fifty learned to swim?!?!) xx


  5. Love it!! I agree that is definitely a perfect Saturday afternoon! Looks like you all had so much fun! I definitely need to plan a trip down to your neck of the woods…looks like so much fun!! (and of course beautiful!!)….Did your French hubby feel about out numbered by Americans?…or has he become a bit Americanized? (I know mine has..)


  6. we'll just have to try and do something about that… xo


  7. I wish I had caught it on video! Whereas Clementine has a proper doggy paddle, Fifty clumsily pummels the water into submission. He's just like his daddy 🙂


  8. Oh he's well used to us. He knows that when we walk into Aidan's, it's like we're walking into our own little Texas Embassy here in France, and he just has to roll with it 🙂


  9. LOVE that last photo! You girls sure are cute. Glad you had a wonderful weekend x x


  10. I am over from Aidan's and this is indeed pure happiness! Love that last photo of you two together (and what is wrong with me that it is only noon and that mojito is looking goood?). My Ben (another Golden) is also of the water slap swim form, sigh. He is a WATER DOG, doesn't he know that?!Bisous from Arles!Heather


  11. Aw, Fifty was just mad about the US basketball team winning and all. He didn't shred the kids' bicycle tires, did he? Typical!


  12. I can tell how much fun you were all having by the photos. Your hubby is going to be such an awesome and fun Dad. You can tell how natural he is around kids, which is half the battle! xo


  13. What a great day – such happy photos. Lovely to be outdoors all day long. If only we had wonderful weather every weekend!


  14. Yup, “perfect” pretty much sums it up 🙂


  15. Looks and sounds FAB! Here's hoping your wish comes true for many more great Saturdays.


  16. Sounds like the perfect day to me. Now follow it up with a great week as well:-) Diane


  17. All the Starbucks in the world can't compare to a day like that.xo Jane


  18. We had mojitos this weekend too. Aren't they the best summer drink? Well, besides a chilled and pale rose. (I mean ro-say of course…have no idea how to add accents when I comment)


  19. Ahh, I miss a good Provencal summer sigh Hope get get more perfect Saturdays :o)


  20. Perfect Saturday! I'm jealous!


  21. Oh my word, how cute! Looks like a great day!


  22. good posting about my perfect summer saturday


  23. This looks like it was a pretty perfect Saturday! xxx


  24. A fabulous refreshing day! We are supposed to have meteor showers this weekend !!


  25. sounds like a sah-weet saturday to me too! : ) we missed you in the ATL this weekend. no worries though. we'll make up for it when i get to france one of these days…


  26. For those of us who had to work on Saturday please allow me to say, “Bah, Humbug!”


  27. Perfect Saturday Amendment 1A….Ashley from Run With Me carefully balances a tray of cheeky bloody mary's and mojitos on a red eye over to La Petite Village….and joins in on human totem pole and doggy-basketball-puncturing activities.


  28. Can I come to France and have a perfect summer saturday with you?


  29. What a wonderful weekend!! Such a great time with friends and family! Thank you so much for your comment, I am now following your blog and so excited to see all of the fun you are having!


  30. I feel like all the German pools are inside and it bothers me, y'all got it goin on!


  31. What pretty, pretty ladies in the pool. It's like a P.Diddy video. ; )Werk it, ladies!


  32. Great to see so many happy faces in your photos – looks like a perfect weekend to me!!Sharonxxxx


  33. Wonderful images!I just want to jump into your pool!It's so hot here!♥ Franka


  34. um, this day looks p-e-r-f-e-c-t!


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