let me tell you about my morning

{Mrs.London’s, Napoleon, in Fifty’s superhero hand-me-downs}

Yesterday morning that is.

It started at 5:30. I was awake and felt refreshed so I thought, OK, I guess I just go ahead and get up.

As walked into the kitchen I spotted an empty juice carton on the counter. Unhappy thoughts started racing through my mind. Unhappy thoughts like… oh no, Gregory finished the juice and I bet he didn’t put another one in the fridge, because he never does.

FYI: In France a lot of the juice is sold non-refrigerated, it doesn’t go into the fridge until you get home. I’m telling you this because I feel like this piece of information is vital for the story. 

But then I opened the fridge and there it was, a brand new carton of juice. The Husband had actually put a carton of juice in there! I can’t explain to you what a big deal this is, it’s a small victory. I, Sara Louise, have managed to teach an old dog a new trick. Score one for me. Next up, teaching the old dog to put the empty carton in the recycling bin instead of leaving it on the counter. Baby steps people, baby steps.

So after my chilled glass of juice, I sat down to check my Facebook, and I saw that little red ‘1’ hovering above the Friend Request button… well who can that be? It was Aidan’s Aunt who leaves me sweet comments from time to time. I smiled and melted a bit. Call me a sap, but it made me feel good and squishy, so confirmed I did. I’m a firm believer that one can never have too many Aunties… even adopted ones.

While I was seeing what my scattered to the four corners friends have been up to, I noticed a link to an article and it was entitled, Before Midnight. “No, no it cannot be. It simply cannot be”, I thought. But it was. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy have just finished filming Before Midnight, the final chapter in the Before Sunrise trilogy (The 1995 in me was so happy, I almost started to Tootsee Roll). DO YOU REALIZE WHAT A BIG DEAL THIS IS PEOPLE?! (I’m using caps because I’m shouting). Seventeen years after the first film, it is finally coming to a close and oh my heavens I’m old.

From there, my elated self moved on to Twitter where there was tweet for me from Marissa at The Boot that simply said “you’re the woman” (I had helped her with a Downton Abbey emergency. Downton emergencies can be serious stuff you know). Let me tell you something, being called ‘the woman’ at an unholy hour on a Friday morning makes that unholy hour feel a whole lot better.

Next I popped on to this here space (that’s my morning pattern… FB, Twitter, blog) and there was a comment from Nantucket Daffodil letting me know that I had won $100 to spend on a ShopBop purchase. Lordy Lordy that’s a fantastic surprise! $100 to shop for pretty things from the comfort of my couch… why yes please and thank you for making my day.

Immediately I logged into my gmail to send Ms.Daffodil an email and there was a message from Liene at Femme au Foyer. Well Liene has just read a book called Adventure Divas and she said that I should read it too, but more importantly, I should write my own book about my own adventures, and I thought, “well isn’t that a lovely thing for somebody to say”. So maybe I will, maybe I will.

And that was my morning. All of these wonderful little somethings happened before 6am.
It truly was a fuzzy wuzzy fantastic way to kick off the day.

Good vibes people, good vibes. 

30 responses to “let me tell you about my morning”

  1. Well you certainly had a busy morning. I agree with the suggestion you should write a book about your adventures. I love your stories and I am sure the book would be most entertaining for your friends and strangers who just happen to pick it up.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Lucky you! All those feelgood vibes before 6am!PS like your blog, I'm a recent arrival. I think we might be neighbours soon 😀


  4. That's super!! I love mornings like that! Let me know if you end up teaching the hubby how to put finished cartons in recycling….mine leaves ours on the counter too, or shall I shall counter, table,…but not in recycling either…It's definitely hard to teach them that…must be a male gene that's resist! Congrats on such a super morning!


  5. Before Midnight! At least Ethan and Julie have aged right along with us.a xo


  6. Holy merde you get up early! It's 11 am here and I just got up.So what's this about Before Midnight business?! I didn't know that there was going to be a 3rd installment to the story! I actually didn't LOVE Before Sunset even though it was shot here and I like to do makeshift Before Sunset tours for my friends. I thought Celine got really neurotic and intense, so I'm interested to see how the characters have again grown and if he ever did make it back to New York….the suspense!!!!


  7. Im drinking right now – so remind me, is the Husband 'Gregory' or do you have a single middle aged flat mate who plays video games in hid boxers and likes hot juice (oh, god…forget it)T.


  8. Oh my you lucky lucky thing, if you could send some good vibes my way I would be very grateful! xxx


  9. what a morning! It's now before 6 for me as well – my puppy Charlie woke me up and I was mad at first but then he made it clear that he just wanted cuddles… which, I think, is an excellent reason to wake up early!


  10. What a perfect morning. I hope the rest of the day was just as great! Bon Weekend!


  11. I wish I was a morning person like you. Le sigh. In another life. And such great news about the movie! I tried to watch the other two again on Netflix but they werent avail to be streamed and I shed an inner tear. So this is exciting news!!!


  12. Training a man in the kitchen….. not easy but you will get there in the end :-)I used to be a very early riser but somehow I am getting later and later, it seems I miss most of the day nowadays LOL. Take care Diane


  13. I have to disagree with someone above, I love Before Sunset, in fact I liked it better than Before Sunrise even. I thought the chemistry was so beautifully acted, subtle but genuine and as someone that has had one of those people in my life, very real. So I'm totally looking forward to the new one!


  14. What a lovely morning you had – and all before 6 am. That's fantastic! All I had before 6 am was a kitten biting my fingers and some sciatic pain. But never mind – the day can only get better from a start like that!I hope the rest of your day matched the beginning!


  15. How do I get my husband to put the toilet seat down!?! Teach me your powers!!!!!!


  16. May the warm fuzzies continue to pay you more visits, before or after 6 am!


  17. I can't even tell you how excited I am about Before Midnight! I am waiting for this forever! SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!I love Before Sunrise and Before Sunset and now….finally! I am in heaven! YEAH!


  18. Can I just tell you how happy I am that you had an awesome Friday? Isn't that a start to an awesome weekend?! I hope all that goodness has continued to your Sunday!


  19. LOVE when days start out like that!!! Yay for chilled juice and how cute is that little mutt?!! xo


  20. Hi Sara!Well.. clearly between 5:30 and 6:00 is the bewitching hour! So funny.. ya gotta take those baby steps with the husbands.. at least he considered the fact that YOU would need juice, right??What luck to have all these good things happen all in one morning! .. now THAT is worth blogging about!xxleslie


  21. What a great morning! I agree with your friend about the book; you're a great writer! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  22. What a great start to the day! I hope your entire weekend was just as lovely.


  23. So, you are telling me that there is still hope for our husbands? 🙂


  24. you are the CUTEST thing ever! i love how you write– how it sounds like you're telling me it so i have to agree, write a book of your adventures please? oh man, my husband is just like yours with leaving things (trash) on the counter. don't you feel like a million bucks when you win a giveaway? and what a great one to have won!the “adopted aunties” remark melted my heart. I am about to have my first baby girl any day now as you know and i am SO THANKFUL she already has so many of these special kind of aunties in her life. ❤ i don't think there's a coincidence all these wonderful things are happening to you (though before 6 a.m.? seriously the luckiest!!!). 😉 must say something about the girl herself.XO


  25. Well, that was indeed a magnificent start to your day! Hope the rest of the day finished on a high note. It's amazing, that we can all be connected around the world with just a click of a button! Amazing and quite fun!


  26. That sounds like a great start to a day indeed. And I do realize what a big deal Before Midnight is, I do! Can't wait!


  27. That does sound like a good morning indeed.


  28. WHOA GOOD DAY! Don't you just love when the stars are aligned. I mean this made me happy so I can't imagine how high on cloud 9 you were.


  29. Aww I love it! Such great things! Don't you love when the morning just continues to snowball into awesomeness? 🙂


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