La Veille de Noël

Since my childhood Christmases belonged to New York, I grew up with a traditional winter wonderland holiday. Because of that, I never got fully accustomed to the warm Christmases of Texas or the dark, wet ones of Dublin (although it did snow buckets that one year), but I have to say, waking up to this Côte d’Azur Christmas Eve wasn’t too shabby.

The boys started their day sipping store bought Starbucks lattes (now available in supermarkets in France… woohoo) and reading celebrity gossip rags brought over from England by Mommy London while us ladies came up with our plan for the day… first up, torturing Gregory by giving him his ugly Christmas sweater…

He loved it. Second on the list, get rid of the boys. That one was easy, that went out to buy seafood for our Christmas Eve dinner and were gone A L L  D A Y.
Since they were gone we were free to do whatever we wanted which meant putting on our new matching Christmas jammies (I’m more than a little bummed that I didn’t snap a photo) and kicking off the Christmas Eve revelry with a bottle of white from Châteauneuf-du-Pape.

That’s right boys and girls, not only does Châteauneuf-du-Pape make amazing reds but their whites are pretty darn tasty too…. so you can put that in your wine glass and sip it.

What wasn’t on our Christmas Eve plan however was Mrs.London’s toenail popping off. You read that correctly, her toenail popped off (she had dropped a weight on it a couple of weeks back so it was only a matter of time really).

There we were, sitting on the couch in our Christmas jammies, sipping our wine and being merry, when she suddenly looked up and shouted, “it’s gone!
Mommy London and I shot back, “what’s gone?” and then that’s when we saw it… in the place of where a black polished toe nail should have been, there was nothing. G R O S S.

And then of course we had to look for it. There were two dogs running about the house, the only thing grosser than losing a toenail, would be to find one of the dogs chewing on it. How’s that for festive fun?

Eventually the boys returned and we sat down for our Christmas Eve dinner; shrimp, mussels, oysters, and smoked salmon. We were feeling mighty fishy.

(Do you see that plate of shrimp? Well there was a lot of shrimp, loads of it, and Mommy London and I tore into it and with every bite, we said how delicious it was. So imagine our surprise when the next morning Gregory rather excitedly said, “Oh! We still have all of that shrimp to eat!” Somehow in his oyster and mussel haze he didn’t even notice the shrimp on the table. How’s that for being observant?)

After dinner we retired to the couch for some Christmas television viewing. And then Mr. London disappeared and never returned… instead we got Sassy Iron Man in his place.

Naturally Gregory took one look at Sassy Iron Man and decided that Alpine Man needed to make an appearance. (There isn’t any such thing as Alpine Man but Gregory in his Nordic-like onesie needed a superhero name so Alpine Man it was.)

And then of course Sassy Iron Man and Alpine Man had to battle it out for Christmas Eve domination with the help of Fifty who apparently can shoot laser beams out of his eyeballs.

And that’s when Mrs. London and I called it a night.

P.S. Oh my stars there’s been a Christmas miracle… I’m on instagram! If you want to see what I’ve been up to, you can follow me @cestmoisaralouise.

20 responses to “La Veille de Noël”

  1. Ha, good thinking on sending them out, obviously they went fishing for it so it was nice and fresh for you… ;o) Loving the outfits, not so much loving the icky toenail, ewww!


  2. I've just discovered your blog, but since then, I am a uge fan ! You make me laugh all the times and you, guys, seem to be a really nice bunch of people!


  3. All of the jammies are too good! Y'all always have the best time together. Also, those shrimp are the best lookin' shrimps I've seen this side of the Atlantic.


  4. Oh my god, that sweater is brilliant. Gregory and Mr. London are like two little boys, and I love every second of it. They are so adorable, and I'm sure that leaves you with lots of wine to drink and things to laugh about.


  5. Hmm, tres homoerotique, non? And I mean that in a good way.


  6. What a hilarious way to spend Christmas Eve! The seafood looks incredible. Hope you're having a nice holiday, and all the best for a happy new year!xoNicole


  7. Sara, you are so funny.


  8. Actually I DO in fact know about white Chateauneuf because I can't drink the red after being “over served” (ahem) at a wedding once. Most people it's tequila or maybe Southern Comfort. Not me-can't drink red Chateauneuf. Lol! Happy New Year Sara!


  9. haha love everyone's outfits! and I've lost a toenail too before. super fun ha. love fifty's laserbeam eyes!– jackie @ jade and oak


  10. You have too much fun! Happy new Year Sara Louise in the little village.xo j


  11. That sweater is perfect.


  12. Love Gregory's Christmas sweater! But I am sorry that you had to search for a lost toenail!


  13. This looks like the best Christmas ever!! I want to party with y'all and eat lots of seafood and drink wine!


  14. that first picture!!!!! not shabby at all :)i'm sorry about the toenail, eeeek! but looks like a great christmas. xothe well-traveled wife ♥


  15. Cough! Sputter! Giggle! And Gregory is adorable.


  16. Omg. That sweater! I think that's the funniest fugs Christmas sweater I have ever seen! I can imagine you all getting a kick out of it. And the toe! Yikes!!Happy New Year's Eve! Can't wait to read about what you guys will get yourselves into tonight.


  17. I can't decide which I love more, Mr London's supermodel pose, or Gregory's fashion in general. Clearly GQ will be in touch with him in the New Year! If this is Christmas, New Year's will be out of this world!


  18. Your hubby obviously is ready for a little one (just saw the picture with him and the baby in your previous post). I think you know what you have to do in the New Year! ;-}


  19. I never got used to the hot Christmases (and I mean, HOT) in South Africa either! I missed our northern English wintery landscapes. Add it to the list of things I'll miss if we return.


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